Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pre- Interviews Across Cases

His pre-interview is short compared to his post interview where he took a leadership, guide role with Skylar who is very reticent.

On the computer he says he likes to go to game goo. (this is a game in the computer lab) He did not mention until later his avid use at home (his parent mention it.)
He was confident in his abilities as a story writer and story teller, but gave the reason as "I just am." When pressed he said he "thinks first and then writes." He answered the same for story telling: "I think first." This is a theme his teacher hits upon in her questionnaire about him.

Choesn's pre-interview:

Chosen said he liked Dr. Suess (just heard in the library that day) He also said he liked the "monkey movie." Says he likes to write about magic school bus (an assignment in class after watching a video.)

Talked about going to centers and taking his journal to write there.

What makes him good at writing stories?
Well he writes at home (a list?) and staples them to the wall. He has to buy more staples to staple them. When pressed he said Every single day he gets better and better at writing. When he talked about telling stories he mentioned reading at home makes you get better with your voice, and that one had to read loud so the listener can really hear it.

Bryce's pre interview

In his pre-interview, Bryce was asked what kinds of stories he likes. He said liked science stories and he likes to tell make believe stories. He answered quickly without much hesitation. In fact the only hesitation in his entire interview was when he was asked about the writing he did at school. He did mention he writes about math... explaining his strategies. He said there was no show and tell and he didn't really raise his hand much to speak in class.

Bryce considers imself good at writing stories. When asked what makes a good story he said "pictures and words."

He also considered himself good at telling stories. When asked what makes that kind of story good, he said when "they figure it out. This means when the listener follows and understand events. I think this would be an issue with Bryce speaking with other children because his stories are long and often complicated and he uses interesting language.

Arianna pre-interview

Arianna, in her pre-interview says she likes all types of books when asked about her favorite book. WHen pressed, she said she liked fiction books. Asked to name a favorite, and she paused and said she doesn't remember the names of favorites. She said she likes to tell scary stories- tell scary stories to her little cousin who reacts "scary."

At school she says she likes to write about her "weekend."
Asked about opportunities to share and talk at school, she had not answer. She did say that in kindergarten she would bring her stuffed Animals for show and tell. When asked what she would say about those animals, she said that she usually gets them from sea world.

She said she is a good story writer because she "writes neatly."
She said that what makes a good story to tell "words come out of your mouth." I thought she might have meant expression, but when pressed that doesn't seem to be where she was headed.

Michael's Pre-interview

In his pre-interview he said he liked funny stories like Captain Underpants. He said he liked to tell stories like Charlotte's Web.
He said he liked to go home and tell about things he did at school. (Parents mention this as well.) He says that at school he also likes to write about what he did and where he went. I think this is the standard journal entry for his class: What'd you do this weekened?"

Like all the other students, the parents seemed unaware of any writing students did at school.

He said he was a good writer and that he was good because his sister taught him. He could not verbalize what made a good story. When pressed about what he could do to make telling a story interesting to a younger child, he could not verbalize what he might do with his voice, etc.

In the pre-interview he said he liked "reading stories" on the computer. (There is a website we used in the computer lab.) His parents said he had a computer at home and liked playing games.

Jaidyn's pre-interview

Jaidyn most talkative here! Talks about what she likes to do in the computer lab. (Gamegoo) At home she plays Nic and Sponge Bob games.
Says that she likes Arthur stories... that they are her favorites.
Says she likes to tell what happened at school at home.

Says we don't usually write much, but that they write what they did for spring break. Said she wrote about the zoo.

Says yes she is good at writing stories. The reason is because she write "the beginning and I write the ending and I write the middle." Agreed that teachers her that.. and mom.

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